Transformation Curriculum
Hi there! As you scroll through this page, you will see a sampling of the biblical truths and content, called Gospel Freedom, that has transformed not only my own life, but hundreds of clients lives.
There is one thing I want to clearly communicate... I am all about transformation, results, and real connection with Christ. I am not interested in empty religion or platitudes. I can't emphasize this enough.
Gospel Freedom is not about information, it is about transformation... It is about your life changing through connecting with Christ and His presence, power, and wisdom.
This curriculum has developed over the past 20 or so years through five primary means: (1) My own massive life transformation, (2) my formal training as a counselor, (3) years of working with hundreds of clients, (4) experience through church planting with my husband, and (5) years of being a disciple and discipling others within the body of Christ.
I have spent decades studying, researching and observing what types of Christ-centered equipping results in real life change and results in people's lives. What I have seen work over and over again, for decades, is what I now personally practice and what I share with others through Gospel Freedom coaching and counseling...
A Note from Lyndsey

The Story of God
A Kingdom Invitation
The Gospel in Your Story
The Three Greats
Identity in Christ
Discerning the Voice of God
Hearing God Through Scripture
Two-Way Conversation with God
Devotional Training for Connection
Personally Experiencing the Love of God
Theological Clarity in Victorious Living
The Authority and Priority of Scripture
The Word and the Spirit Together
Resting in the Presence of God
The Character of God
Obedience and Joy
And More...

(Confidential Discipleship Groups)
Group Model
Gospel Conversations
Life Transformation Questions
Group Covenant & Confidentiality
Confession and Growth
Reflective Listening
And More...
Relationship Inventory
Healthy Communication
Healing Relational Wounds
Offense, Anger and Bitterness
Emotional Regulation in Relationships
Autonomy, Boundaries and Relationships
The Steps and Freedom of Forgiveness
Resolving Church Hurt and Offense
Discernment in Relationships
Cultivating Spiritual Family
The Wound of Rejection
Forgiveness vs. Trust
And More...
Gifts of the Spirit
Test, Training & Character
Confidence in Sharing Your Faith
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Ministry
Ministry in the Marketplace
Spiritual Conversations
Callings and Giftings
And More...
FREE 20-Minute
Initial Consultation
Stewarding Your Soul
Family of Origin Work
Processing Your Life Story
Metabolizing Emotions with God
Journeying Through the Wilderness
Emotional Healing with the Holy Spirit
Spiritual Warfare & the STOPP Method
Confession, Freedom and Healing
God's Words and Your Words
The Idol and Fear of Man
Anxiety & Overwhelm
Renewing Your Mind
And More...